Dear prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
November was an amazing month, even though it was the month before the Prabhupada marathon. I think some of the yatras already started their marathon in November. Some temples like London Soho are always on a marathon and just keep doing more and more with an amazing almost 7600 book points. But I want to speak about some other yatras that distributed many more books than their normal average. First the Hungarian yatra I think did practically double their usual standard with a total of more than 10,000 books between 2 temples. Then Turkey and Croatia both had book fairs which they took full advantage of and distributed many more books than they usually do. If we are always thinking about and praying intensely to be able to distribute more and more of Srila Prabhupada’s books Krsna will give us the intelligence and opportunity to do it. Srila Prabhupada said, “go on making your lifetime plans for distributing my books”. Also, Slovenia and Zurich both out did their usual scores but really the most amazing of all was Simhacalam yatra with an amazing 24 Srimad Bhagawatam sets and over 500 of each type of book and over 5000 book points. All glories to the German speaking yatras!!!
We will have the great fortune to have with us again H.H. Jananandana Maharaja on zoom after the marathon, but it was very difficult to get in touch with him and when I finally did he told me that it was because he was “flat out on marathon”. Maharaja is definitely inspiring all the devotees in France and all of Europe by his wonderful example out on the street with the sankirtan devotees. (Look for the pictures of Maharaja and many other SK devotees in countries all over Europe.)
The greatest inspiration for distributing Srila Prabhupadas books is reading them. I am reading the 5th canto right now and found this beautiful verse chapter 14 verse 39 purport “The great saint Jada Bharat described both the miserable condition and the means to get out. The only way out of it is the association with devotees, and this association is very easy. Although unfortunate people also get this opportunity, due to their great misfortune they cannot take shelter of pure devotees, and consequently they continously suffer. Nonetheless, this Krsna consciousness movement insists that everyone take to this path by adopting the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. The preachers of Krsna consciousness go door to door to inform people how they can be relieved from the miserable conditions of material life. As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, guru-kṛṣṇa-prasāde pāya bhakti-latā-bīja, by the mercy Krsna and guru, one can get the seed of devotional service. If one is a little intelligent, he can cultivate Krsna consciousness and be freed from the miserable conditions of material life.” Then in the the Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 15-41 Srila Prabhupada expresses an urgent call to action, “Now is the time for the members of the International Society for Krsna consciousness to distribute Krsna bhakti all over the world and thus follow the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The Lord has ordered everyone to become a guru (CC Madhya 7-128) Āmāra ājñāya guru hañā tāra'ei deśa. Everyone in every town and village should be enlightened by the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Krsna consciousness should be distributed to everyone indiscriminately. In this way, the entire world will be peaceful and happy, and everyone will glorify Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as He desires. “This order to distribute Krsna bhakti and become a guru can best be realized by every devotee distibuting Srila Prabhupada’s books. Along with the Prabhupada marathon we are in the final push for the Live to Give campaign the distribution of the Bhagavad Gita in huge quantities and this month of December is the best time as we have the Gita Jayanti festival right in the middle on the 11th of December an amazing opportunity to give Lord Krsna’s eternal instructions to everyone and anyone. Now is the time to give this opportunity to as many people as possible from all walks of life in all languages and make their life perfect. The only problem is that we have not gotten the pledges from many countries for the campaign, remember that the pledge is your wedge it keeps us focused on the goal and empowers us to reach it. We are missing Italy, Germany, France, Benelux and other smaller countries. You can send it in directly to the BBT whatsapp or send them have to me and I will pass it on.
News Flash at the end of the Prabhupada marathon we will with us H.H. Jananandana Maharaja once again on Zoom to inspire us for the New Year right after he is coming of the marathon in France so he will for sure be super inspiring, don’t miss it!!
Flash the scores from Ukraine just arrived at the last moment. As always very amazing and inspiring. The sincere devotees can overcome all obstacles in their desire to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books. Sankirtan yajna kijay. Srila Prabhupada kijay.
Your servant,
Trai Das
Continental European Sankirtan Scores

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Sankirtan Charts

Sankirtan stories
Sivarama Swami
Today marks the first day of the Śrīla Prabhupāda Book Marathon for the Hungarian Yatra! Many other yātras are also

beginning, or busy preparing. Here’s a marathon story from Śivarāma Swami to inspire us during this most blissful time of the year: "Dear devotees. Fifty years ago, ISKCON held its first marathon—seven days long. I was in Winnipeg, distributing Kṛṣṇa books on the street in -30°C weather. Although I was frozen, I experienced so much ecstasy that I was crying. People didn’t understand why. One boy was observing me, and when I stepped into a store to warm up, he followed. He was so impressed that devotees could stand in the cold for no pay. He bought books, gave all his money and asked why I was crying. I told him. A week later, he joined the temple and became a book distributor himself. Please, distribute many books!" Book distribution kī jaya!
A beautiful Sankīrtana story from Śivarāma Swami, reflecting on a magical marathon experience all the way back in 1977. "Forty-seven years ago, I was doing the Prabhupāda marathon at the airport. One afternoon, we devotees were so intoxicated by distributing books that we decided to show that one doesn't have to speak to sell books, that book distribution just depends on our state of consciousness. So we didn't. Just after loading my book bag with 20 mahā books, I tapped a man on the arm and looked him in the eye. He stopped, expecting me to say something. I didn't. I put a book in his hand, pointed at Prabhupāda's picture, to the Sanskrit inside, and then pointed up to the sky, indicating the books are meant to elevate you. I remember being absorbed in the desire to give out books, and after looking deep into his eyes again, I slapped my pocket, indicating he should give a donation. He did. He was a young businessman, obviously heavily stressed out and floundering in the world of consumerism. He held the book appreciatively. As he started to go, I held his arm. I wanted him to get more mercy. We locked eyes for a minute, and in my mind, I said, 'These books will give your life meaning,' and I stuck another two mahā books in his hand. Now he had three books. Again, I tapped my pocket. Again, he gave a donation. I opened one of the books and pointed to a part of Prabhupāda's

purport and had him read it. I watched his face. It was obvious Prabhupāda was speaking to him. I tapped his arm and smiled at him, and he smiled at me. Although standing in the middle of the busiest airport in the world, we were somewhere else, in a different land where there was no stress, no noise—our own world of Kṛṣṇa consciousness. Then he looked at the other books in my arm, and I knew he wanted more. I gave him a few more books. He gave another donation. By now, the total was past $40. To impress upon the man what was reality, I waved nonchalantly at the bustle about us and pressed my forefinger to his heart, indicating the soul. I looked at him, 'You are not this body. You are spirit soul.' He understood. He smiled appreciatively. We then shook hands, and as he turned to go, it was as if he was leaving a realm of peace for the world of anxiety around him. For a minute, he hesitated. He didn't want to go. He wanted to remain in that realm of consciousness in which our exchange had taken place. He had been happy. I saw there were tears in his eyes. I touched his hand and tapped the books, saying in my mind, 'It's all in the books. Don't worry.' He nodded, shook my hand, and left. Neither he nor I had spoken a word, yet we were communicating fully. It was one of many such experiences that afternoon. I was convinced that success in book distribution depends upon our state of consciousness. Making soul-to-soul contact with people is the most effective way to sell books. We need to be in the consciousness that we are not this body, that we are Kṛṣṇa's spiritual messengers, and that we have to want to distribute the mercy. Give! Give! Give! That is our dharma. Give Kṛṣṇa to others."
I try every evening to distribute books for 1 hour after my farm work. Today was alot of rain and its was quite hard. After I finished, I had to walk to my car. On the way i thought just speak to every person you see. Nobody was stopping. Next to my car was a tesla. I tried to approach the person in the car. I made some hand gestures. But he was not replying. so i went into the car and prepared for leaving. All of a sudden, a person was knocking at the window. It was the tesla driver. He asked what was my concern. So, i told him that i sharing books about spiritual wisdom. He happily took a bhagavad gita. And i gave him as a gift a small book in addition. Back in the temple i saw that he donated for a second time in twint for the small book. I was very happy that he approached me. Moral of the stroy: never give up and try till the last moment. You never know who will take a book. Krishna is in control 🙏❤️😇
On Saturday a small boy came up to me and he asked if the books were for free.
I presented him the books and said everybody gives a donation from their good heart...and he thought it a nice present for his grandmother. I found that a good reason to sponsor him. He still gave a donation Although smaller than usual.
I felt in my heart his Desire to Give was contagious. I was happy and He was very happy to receive the Science of selfrealisation for his "Surprise event St Nicolas " for his grandmother... (as you see in the picture.)

Another man said he was just coming out from his appartment to walk a round. The Supersoul guided him to us, and we gave him a Science of Selfrealisation. His walking around the block was very auspicious.

From Radhadesh
United Kindom
“It’s not what you say…it’s what you pray.” Mahotsaha Das
Today in Manchester, I met Gina, whose life beautifully exemplifies the profound impact of sincere prayer. Separated from her father since the age of two, Gina had always longed for a reunion but was paralysed by the fear that he might have passed away. One day, despite her apprehensions & having never really prayed before, she decided to intensely pray to be reunited with him. That moment marked the beginning of a transformative journey.

Amazingly, within three days, Gina received news that her father had been located in New York. Coincidentally, she had already planned a trip there for her birthday. This providential timing allowed them to reunite & rebuild their relationship. Tragically, within a year, her father was diagnosed with cancer & Gina was fortunate to be by his side until his final moments.
Gina has just returned from Spain where she immersed herself in nature & dedicated time to reading numerous spiritual books. However, she sensed an unshakable void, as though something vital was still missing. Reflecting on a near death experience at the age of 21 & the subsequent loss of a couple of family members, she began praying intensely for a deeper connection with the truth & with God.
Today, with contagious enthusiasm, she ran straight to me, eager to obtain the Bhagavad Gita and Chant & Be Happy for herself & a friend. After a deep exchange, as she departed, her eyes sparkled with sincere excitement & she said, “This is the start of something… I can just feel it.”
Gina’s experiences highlight the immense potency of sincere prayer. The power is not in us…but it is in the prayer itself & the sincerity of our hearts that invokes a divine response.
After six days on the streets, I have met many wonderful people, but none whose hearts seemed profoundly moved. Today, I also prayed intensely to meet someone who would truly inspire me…a soul desperately seeking the truth & deeply desiring for a higher spiritual journey.
Meeting Gina felt like a direct answer to that prayer, a testament to the transformative power of a heartfelt & sincere plea! I sincerely pray this serves as a constant reflection I can imbibe & internalise deeply, every day & in every moment…it’s not what I say, it’s what I pray!
By Geeta Bhandari
”It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Tony Robbins
Today in Liverpool, I stopped Hari as he strolled by, smoking a cigarette, appearing completely in a daze. When I handed him a Bhagavad Gita, he was visibly stunned, his face frozen in disbelief. Just moments earlier, his mother from India had

called to tell him that an astrologer, after studying his chart, had strongly advised him to read the Bhagavad Gita. Hari originally from India, had dismissed the suggestion, thinking little of it. Yet, within minutes, the Bhagavad Gita had quite literally found its way into his hands, as if destined to meet him.In shock, he accepted the Bhagavad Gita & genuinely pledged to read it. He realised this was no mere coincidence, it was Krishna’s divine arrangement, perfectly aligning with the astrologer’s guidance. With conviction, he was certain the Bhagavad Gita held the key to overcoming his challenges & navigating life’s path. As he walked away, still processing the miracle, he immediately called his mother to share the extraordinary event that had just unfolded.I couldn’t help but giggle, marveling at the astrologer’s professional wisdom in giving such profound advice. If only every astrologer emphasised the urgency & importance of studying the Bhagavad Gita & guided every soul toward it…what a transformative world it would be!I am, as always, left in awe of Srila Prabhupada’s extraordinary vision & mission. While westerners desperately need Krishna, so do Indians…including those who have journeyed to the West. They are blessed with the opportunity to rediscover the profound potency of reading the Bhagavad Gita & to reconnect with their spiritual heritage. Srila Prabhupada not only made it possible for the Bhagavad Gita to reach all of humanity globally, but also for Indians that have travelled abroad to reconnect with their timeless roots. Srila Prabhupada’s books go directly into the hands of souls, whether they are ready or not, offering them the opportunity to take an instant step toward a relationship with Krishna. Had Srila Prabhupada not arranged for me to stop Hari, would he have ever reached out to find a Gita? This is the unparalleled potency of book distribution…a divine arrangement beyond comprehension. For anyone seeking guidance on their destiny from an astrologer…look no further. The answers you seek are already within the Bhagavad Gita. It is all you need to uncover your true destiny!
By Geeta Bhandari
I want to share with you an experience that happened to me yesterday and that really filled my day. I was at San Raffaele for a visit, knowing that I would have to wait at least an hour. So I decided to bring some books, thinking that maybe I could leave one in the waiting room. When I got there, they assigned me number 67 and I saw that they were still serving 40. After a while, I found a free seat and sat down. Leaving a book without attracting attention is not so easy: there are people everywhere and they are watching you. So I started to leaf through The Path of Perfection and then I put it behind my back, waiting for the right opportunity. I was hoping someone would come along, maybe an elderly person or a lady, to whom I could give up my seat. And it happened: a lady approached, I got up to give her my seat and she immediately said to me: "Look, you forgot your book." And I replied: "No, I found it here too." She sat down, exchanged a few words with the person next to her and began to leaf through the book. I remained standing there, listening to their comments and I couldn't believe it: they were talking about profound things, like the existence of the soul, which they obviously hadn't known before. It was exciting. I didn't take any photos or videos, there were too many people and I didn't want to attract attention, but I assure you that seeing that lady immerse herself in reading was a special moment. When they called me for the visit and I went out, she was still there, absorbed in the book.
I returned home with my heart full of joy. I wanted to share this small, but significant experience with you.
Hare Krishna!
I entered an African deli. There was a woman at the counter and an African man, probably a friend customer. I showed the lady the books and asked her to take one by making an offering.
The lady showed hesitation and expressed her doubts in believing that I was doing something authentic. I answered that I am a member of the Hare Krishna, therefore a known and authorized movement. At this point the man present exclaimed "Hare Krishna?!" and reached out to me, looking at the back of my neck. He seed the sikha, and firmly confirmed that I was a Hare Krishna, all
with positive emphasis! At this point the lady was convinced and took the cookbook!
Sankirtan agents!
Hare Kṛṣṇa,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
Śrīla Prabhupāda kī jāy!
I would like to tell you a simple but touching episode that happened yesterday afternoon, during a day like many others. I was at the post office to make a payment. It was late, almost closing time, and the queue seemed to never end. Taking advantage of the moment, I left a book on one of the chairs: The Path of Perfection by Śrīla Prabhupāda. On the first blank page I wrote a heartfelt dedication and affixed the official book crossing (LIBRINMARCIA) label that clearly explains that these are not lost or forgotten books, but intentionally left there to find someone who needs them. While I was waiting, I noticed a gentleman approaching the book. He picked it up, glanced at the label , then put on his glasses and began to read. He lingered on the dedication, then began to leaf through the pages carefully. The minutes passed, and he was still there, immersed in reading. He seemed truly involved, as if that book had something important to tell him. And it certainly did! Watching him filled my heart with joy. I thought: “Here is a soul who, perhaps after many lives, is finding a connection with Kṛṣṇa through the words of Śrīla Prabhupāda.” It was a simple but profound moment, which reminded me that BookCrossing and Saṅkīrtana don’t need big occasions: they can happen anywhere, even in an ordinary place like a provincial post office, on an ordinary afternoon. This experience has given me immense happiness, because I know that every small gesture, every book released, can be a means to bring people closer to their true spiritual nature.
Hare Kṛṣṇa and all glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
Your servant,
Bhakta Emanuele

Giorgio, on the right, after he got a set of the Srimad Bhagavatam a few months ago, decided to get the Caitanya Caritamrita too! 🚀
Luigi, his friend on the left, came to the Temple to get the Srimad Bhagavatam too, and then he thought it would be a good idea to take the Caitanya Caritamrita too! 🤩
Sankirtan yajña ki Jay! 📚📚📚
By Jay Gauranga Prabhu
In Memory of Mula Prakriti Devi Dasi
"Lord Chaitanya Can Go"
Mulaprakriti: I was in Honolulu on my way to Japan to distribute books. Srila Prabhupada was also in Honolulu at the time, and he asked me to come to his quarters to talk about book distribution. I had the wonderful experience of being

alone with Srila Prabhupada. He was sitting in his chair asking a lot of questions about how people liked books, what kind of people took books, and what I told people. He was so joyful that it seemed like it was Srila Prabhupada's favorite topic.
When he asked, "What kind of people take books?" I struggled to answer and said, "Doctors, young people, and diplomats." Prabhupada said, "Diplomats? From which countries?" " So I gave a list of nationalities of everyone who has ever taken a book. Then I said, "Someone from Albania has taken a book." Prabhupada said, "Albania. That's behind the Iron Curtain." I said, "Yes Prabhupada, they take them in a suitcase and because they have diplomatic immunity, nobody can open the suitcase." He laughed, leaned back and said, "Ahh! We can't go, but Lord Chaitanya can go.
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