Dear prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As with every year January has always been the month of recuperation after the Prabhupada marathon. So as expected the scores are a little lower, but actually much better than expected. Most yatras kept up their usual steady book distribution realizing that this is our lifetime mission. We will never move on to something newer or better for spreading Krsna consciousness. As Srila Prabhupada said, “Go on making your lifetime plans for distributing my books.”

As I said all countries kept up their standard level of book distribution with one amazing exception. The Vilnius temple in Lithuania overcame everyone, even the London yatra. Actually, one time I visited the Lithuanian yatra and they explained to me that once they were a vast empire streching into large parts of Russia. We hope that this surge will continue into the new year and will inspire the rest of Europe.

The beginning of the new year is a time to remember this purport from the Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 25 verse 278 

“Men become strong and stout by eating sufficient grains, but the devotee who simply eats ordinary grains but does not taste the transcendental pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsna gradually becomes weak and falls down from the transcendental position. However, if one drinks but a drop of the nectar of Krsna’s pastimes, his body and mind begin to bloom, and he begins to laugh, sing and dance. 

Purport: "All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the Caitanya Caritamrta, Srimad Bhagawatam, Bhagavad Gita and others); otherwise, after sometime they will simply eat, sleep and fall down from their position. Thus, they will miss the opportunity to attain an eternal, blissful life of transcendental pleasure.”

Many times Srila Prabhupada said that I have written these books not just for selling but for us to read. So, we should put this into practice in our lives if we want to be empowered to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. We have to also make our lifetime plan to read and study them very seriously, that’s the only way we will be able to go on our whole life with ever increasing enthusiasm to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.

This is from the Srimad Bhagawatam 6th canto chapter 10 verse 8 purport

“Similarly, everyone else with a materially comfortable condition in this world should join the Krsna consciousness movement to elevate the fallen souls. The words bhuta dayaya, maya mrgam dayitayepsitam and dina-ganesakau karunasya all convey the same sense. These are very significant words for those interrested in elevating human society to a proper understanding of life. One should join the Krsna consciousness movement, following the examples of such great personalities as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the six Goswamis and, before them, the great sage Dadhici. Instead of wasting one’s life for temporary bodily comforts, one should always be prepared to give up one’s life for better causes. After all, the body will be destroyed. Therefore, one should sacrifice it for the glory of distributing religious principles throughout the world.”

These religious principles are described fully in the books of Srila Prabhupada. So, there is no better way to help this world than distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.

Your servant,

Trai Das

Sankirtan Meeting

FLASH remember that March 10 at 19:00 CET and 18:00 UK time we have the great fortune to have with us Praghosa Prabhu. Don't miss out and invite as many devotees as possible to participate.

Continental European Sankirtan Scores

Sankirtan Scores United Kindom

Sankirtan Charts

Sankirtan stories


Today I met with Gwen, a friend of my sister who ran into us during our harinaam in Heerlen. During the harinaam she received a book, which she fully read. Afterwards she called me to come together to have a conversation about faith, God and religion. At the moment she was deepening her knowledge in Christianity, but she expressed she is open for all ways that God manifests Himself. We had a beautiful conversation and she loved to receive one more book!
Plottwist: during our conversation, another man walked in the restaurant. It was Pascal! A man whom I had distributed a book to one year ago. After reading the book we visited Radhadesh together, but afterwards lost touch. With a smile he said: "well that's a coincidence!", as he reached inside his bag and pulled the Bhagavad Gita out he received from me. He said: "I came here to read Bhagavad Gita and now I meet you again!"

Amazing how Krishna arranges!! 🙏🏻😁
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Citralekha Devi dasi

Sankirtan Gallery




United Kindom